
4 Sept 2016


A photo posted by Nomad in Ireland (@soladeleki) on

A photo posted by Nomad in Ireland (@soladeleki) on

Mornings for many of us can be a real struggle! Our bodies have completely relaxed and after hitting the snooze button one too many times, opening our eyelids can be one of the day's biggest challenges. My morning routine has changed a lot recently and adding the following steps have made my mornings a lot more pleasant.

I can’t think of a better way to give your body and mind a huge boost of energy than to start your day with exercise. Exercising in the morning might sound horrendous if you’ve never done it, but besides obvious health reasons, it will actually give you more energy throughout the day. Aside from the elevated mood & activated energy you never new you had the long term benefits from regular exercise are a reason in its self to get yourself outside and seize the day.

It is said that drinking up to 8 glasses of water daily is important for your health. One thing most people do not know is that having the first glass of water as soon as you wake up also comes with its therapeutic benefits. Although I do enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee in the morning, I now drink water before the coffee. Drinking water first thing in the morning makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients and helps to balance the fluids in your body.

Dry Body Brushing
You may be thinking, Why do I need to add something else to my already busy morning routine? Let me assure you, the extra five minutes this takes is well worth the investment. Dry body brushing is a traditional natural health practice, which involves brushing over the skin dry, followed by a shower or bath. A lot of benefits of dry body brushing are not necessarily something you can only see… but also what you feel. Dry body brushing helps shed dead skin cells (and encourages new cell renewal), which results in smoother and brighter skin. It can also help with any pesky ingrown hairs. It not only reduces the appearance of cellulite but it also assists in improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. By releasing toxins, it encourages the body’s discharge of metabolic wastes so the body is able to run more effectively.

During a busy morning, it is easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but taking just a few minutes to have something to eat really makes a difference to my day. The key to a healthy breakfast is planning. During the weekdays, I usually plan ahead by making some thick oatmeal that I can warm up in the morning and then top with fruits, nuts or chia seeds. Another option is to stock up on fruits or yoghurt but I find that the oatmeal is more filling.


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